The perfect career move to achieve personal ambition

I started the MRI Trainee Programme in November 2020 after qualifying as a Radiographer. I completed the programme in April 2021 and am now a Mobile MRI Radiographer.  I have always been fascinated by MRI but thought I wouldn’t be able to get into my chosen modality for many years, so when this opportunity arose, I jumped at the chance! When I started looking into InHealth and quickly realised their values matched mine, I knew it would be the perfect career move to make.

The programme is extremely flexible, meaning you are in control of your own learning. Despite the deadlines to complete certain aspects, you never feel under pressure because of the guided help and support you receive, so you can complete it within your own time and at your own pace – I completed it within 5 months.  I am now working towards becoming a Senior MRI Radiographer – my 5-year plan has been accelerated and I’m aiming to reach this goal within 18 months, supported by my fantastic managers and colleagues.


The perfect career move to achieve personal ambition

I started the MRI Trainee Programme in November 2020 after qualifying as a Radiographer. I completed the programme in April 2021 and am now a Mobile MRI Radiographer. I have always been fascinated by MRI but thought I wouldn’t be able to get into my chosen modality for many years, so when this opportunity arose, I jumped at the chance!

When I started looking into InHealth and quickly realised their values matched mine, I knew it would be the perfect career move to make.

The programme is extremely flexible, meaning you are in control of your own learning. Despite the deadlines to complete certain aspects, you never feel under pressure because of the guided help and support you receive, so you can complete it within your own time and at your own pace – I completed it within 5 months.

I am now working towards becoming a Senior MRI Radiographer – my 5-year plan has been accelerated and I’m aiming to reach this goal within 18 months, supported by my fantastic managers and colleagues.