Behind the Scrubs: A Nurse Endoscopy Reflection on Saving Lives

As a nurse who specialises in endoscopy, I have developed a unique set of skills that require a sense of precision. Every day, I am tasked with the responsibility of helping to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions using sophisticated endoscopic equipment. It is a job that requires patience, concentration, and skill. Every day I walk into work with a sense of excitement and curiosity. You see, I am a nurse in endoscopy, and every day is filled with new surprises and challenges. It is not just about performing routine procedures; it is about making every patient feel comfortable, easing their worries and giving them hope.

One day, as I was preparing for a procedure, a particular patient caught my eye. She was an elderly woman, who looked frail and weak. It was evident that she was nervous and scared about the procedure. Her eyes filled with tears as she expressed her fears to me. That was the moment when I knew that I had to go above and beyond to make her feel safe and cared for. I held her hand as we walked into the procedure room, and I could feel her grip tighten as the doctor started the procedure. I knew that I had to do something special to help her feel more at ease. So, I started talking to her, not just about the procedure, but about her life. I asked her about her family, her hobbies, and her passions. I could see a spark in her eyes as she started telling me about her life. As the procedure continued, I could see that she was no longer scared or nervous. Instead, she was smiling and laughing with me. As the procedure came to an end, she thanked me and hugged me tightly. I could feel the tears in her eyes as she expressed her gratitude. It was moments like these that made me realise why I do what I do.

As I walked out of the room, I knew that I had made a difference in her life. It was not just about performing a medical procedure, but also about creating an experience that would stay with her forever. As a nurse in endoscopy, I have learned that every moment counts. It is not just about the medical procedures, but also about the connections we create with our patients. It is about making them feel cared for, loved, and inspired. And that is why, every day when I walk into work, I am filled with a sense of excitement and curiosity, because I know that every day brings new opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life.

Every day in endoscopy is a new adventure. I have the opportunity to meet amazing people, to help them through difficult times, and to make a positive impact on their lives. And that’s why I love what I do. As I leave work each day, I feel fulfilled and inspired. I wonder what tomorrow will bring and what new challenges I will face. But one thing is for sure. – I will be ready to tackle them head-on, armed with the skills and experience that make me a valuable member of the endoscopy team.

As an endoscopy nurse, I find myself feeling a sense of achievement every day. It’s a job that requires a great deal of skill and attention to detail, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. There’s something about helping patients through a difficult procedure that makes me feel like I’m doing something truly meaningful. As I reflect on my time in this field, I can’t help but feel grateful for the opportunities working at InHealth has provided me.

Every day, I get to make a difference in someone’s life. And that’s something that truly makes me feel accomplished. But even with all the successes I’ve had, there’s always that nagging feeling in the back of my mind – what if there’s a patient out there who still hasn’t found the answers they need? What if there’s someone who is suffering needlessly, simply because they haven’t been able to find the right care? It’s that sense of possibility – of knowing that there’s always more we can do – that keeps me motivated. And it’s what makes me certain that endoscopy nursing will continue to be a source of fulfilment for me in the years to come.


Behind the Scrubs: A Nurse Endoscopy Reflection on Saving Lives

As a nurse who specialises in endoscopy, I have developed a unique set of skills that require a sense of precision. Every day, I am tasked with the responsibility of helping to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions using sophisticated endoscopic equipment. It is a job that requires patience, concentration, and skill. Every day I walk into work with a sense of excitement and curiosity. You see, I am a nurse in endoscopy, and every day is filled with new surprises and challenges. It is not just about performing routine procedures; it is about making every patient feel comfortable, easing their worries and giving them hope.

One day, as I was preparing for a procedure, a particular patient caught my eye. She was an elderly woman, who looked frail and weak. It was evident that she was nervous and scared about the procedure. Her eyes filled with tears as she expressed her fears to me. That was the moment when I knew that I had to go above and beyond to make her feel safe and cared for. I held her hand as we walked into the procedure room, and I could feel her grip tighten as the doctor started the procedure. I knew that I had to do something special to help her feel more at ease. So, I started talking to her, not just about the procedure, but about her life. I asked her about her family, her hobbies, and her passions. I could see a spark in her eyes as she started telling me about her life. As the procedure continued, I could see that she was no longer scared or nervous. Instead, she was smiling and laughing with me. As the procedure came to an end, she thanked me and hugged me tightly. I could feel the tears in her eyes as she expressed her gratitude. It was moments like these that made me realise why I do what I do.

As I walked out of the room, I knew that I had made a difference in her life. It was not just about performing a medical procedure, but also about creating an experience that would stay with her forever. As a nurse in endoscopy, I have learned that every moment counts. It is not just about the medical procedures, but also about the connections we create with our patients. It is about making them feel cared for, loved, and inspired. And that is why, every day when I walk into work, I am filled with a sense of excitement and curiosity, because I know that every day brings new opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life.

Every day in endoscopy is a new adventure. I have the opportunity to meet amazing people, to help them through difficult times, and to make a positive impact on their lives. And that’s why I love what I do. As I leave work each day, I feel fulfilled and inspired. I wonder what tomorrow will bring and what new challenges I will face. But one thing is for sure. – I will be ready to tackle them head-on, armed with the skills and experience that make me a valuable member of the endoscopy team.

As an endoscopy nurse, I find myself feeling a sense of achievement every day. It’s a job that requires a great deal of skill and attention to detail, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. There’s something about helping patients through a difficult procedure that makes me feel like I’m doing something truly meaningful. As I reflect on my time in this field, I can’t help but feel grateful for the opportunities working at InHealth has provided me.

Every day, I get to make a difference in someone’s life. And that’s something that truly makes me feel accomplished. But even with all the successes I’ve had, there’s always that nagging feeling in the back of my mind – what if there’s a patient out there who still hasn’t found the answers they need? What if there’s someone who is suffering needlessly, simply because they haven’t been able to find the right care? It’s that sense of possibility – of knowing that there’s always more we can do – that keeps me motivated. And it’s what makes me certain that endoscopy nursing will continue to be a source of fulfilment for me in the years to come.